Choose a report to preview: 01_Agent Case Load Capacity Report (RL)-(Recommended Report) -> CASE: 00233230 List of offices by agent showing agent's number of enrolled enrollees, active enrollees,03_Enrollee Zone Assignment Report -(Recommended Report) -> CASE: 00233230 List of offices by agent and enrollee showing enrollee's zone information includingActive Zones Report -> Shows zone name, zone agency, zone classification, whether the zone is global and if it is exclusionAgency Hierarchy List -> Excel report showing state, region, district and agency levels.Agent Assignment Count by Risk Level -> Shows agents listed by agency with total enrollees for each risk level.Agent Assignment Count by Risk Level and Supervision Level -> Shows agents listed by agency with total enrollees for each risk level and Supervision TypeAgent Case Load Capacity Report (RL) -> List of offices by agent showing agent's number of enrolled enrollees, active enrollees, passive enrollees,Agent Case Load Capacity Report (RL)(CDCR) -> CASE:00117593.List of offices by agent showing agent's number of enrolled enrollees, active enrollees,Agent Case Load by Risk Level Report -> Shows agent with total enrollees for each risk level.Agent Device Change Report -> Shows the transaction date with the agent changing the device, the current assigned enrollee, for assignmentsAgent Email Notification Report (262) -> Shows agent email, email address, agent, notification date, success date and subject.Agent Email Notification in Date Range (436) -> Shows agent email, email address, agent, notification date, success date and subject in the selectedAgent Enrollee List Export -> Excel report shows the enrollee's agency, the agent of record, and the enrollee's name with whether theyAgent Event Notification Daily Report -> Shows the number of event notices summarized by hour of day for the selected date range.Agent Event Notification Summary Report -> Shows the number of event notices summarized by hour of day for the selected date range.Agent List - Agency Access Excel Report (414) -> Excel Report. Sheet 1: Agent List. Sheet 2: Agent with Agency Name List.Agent List Export Report - Excel Version (416) -> Excel Report : List of agents (both active and inactive) by office with email and phone numbers.Agent List Report -> List of agents by office with email and phone numbers. Filters for enrollee risk level and whether anAgent Login Log Detailed Report -> List of days showing date and time of login, agent login name, status of login, agent's agency, and agent'sAgent Login Summary -> List of offices showing agent name, agent login, agent email, agent's last login, agent's total logins,Agent Login and Active Cases Export -> Tabbed report showing date and time of login, agent login name, status of login, agent's agency, andAgent Missing Email Address Report -> Shows active agents who are missing either primary and/or secondary email addresses. Output is ExcelAssigned Enrollee Name Report (415) -> Excel Report : Assigned Enrollee Fisrt and Last name list.BLUbox Enter Report -> List of BLUboxes showing the device number, enrollee name, event, start date and time, end date and time,BLUbox Group Assignment and Status Report -> Shows BLUboxes with their current inventory status and any enrollees assigned to the BLUbox Group withBLUbox Status List -> List of offices showing BLUbox ID, current assignment status, last contact date, BLUbox status message,BLUbox with No Schedule -> Shows current enrollees whose BLUbox does not have an associated schedule.CDCR - LEADS Synchronization Summary Report -> CDCR - LEADS Synchronization Summary ReportCrime Scene Correlation Report (419) -> CDCR Report: Crime Scene Correlation. List of Enrollees within 1 mile of the Point of Interest.Curfew Violation Report -> List of enrollees by agency showing the count of curfew violations with a duration of zero to two, twoCurrent BLUtag Inventory Export -> Shows product, agency, current status, device ID, inventory start date, and total days in inventory.Daily Event Notification Report (411) -> List of events with related zone information, start and stop date of event, event related notes by agentDead Battery Six Month Summary -> Shows the total of events by month for Dead Battery Events.Device Assignment (Agency History) (287) -> Shows assigned erollees wtih any changes in agency and region by device and assignment dates with currentDevice Available Inventory on Date (418) -> Excel Format report that lists the Devices that were available in the Agency on the selected Date.Device Census Report -> List of offices showing total assignments and daily assignments and unassignments summarized for eachDevice Charger Return Status Report -> Shows unenrolled enrollees with the status of their charger, assignment ending date, agent of recordDevice Enrollment/Unenrollment Report -> List of offices by agent and enrollee showing the device type, device id, start date, end date, and reasonDevice Inventory -> List of devices showing device's ori, device mode, device assignment, device status.Device Inventory Summary by Agency -> Shows the number of devices by product with their status summarized by agency.Enrollee Agent List With Risk Level -> List of offices showing enrollee and their department of corrections number, selected Risk Level, assignmentEnrollee Assignments with count of days (445) -> Enrollee Details with number of days assigned in the selected date range. Enrollee Battery Levels with Charging events (459) -> Report lists Battery levels and corresponding carging events if any for an enrollee during a time seEnrollee Case Notes Report Export -> Shows enrollee, agent, note entered by, case note and case note date. Enrollee Device Charging Events and Temperature (457) -> Tabbed Excel Report. NOTE: Limit the data to 1 month at a time. [Tab1] List of all Charging events duringEnrollee Device Motion Alarm Status (348) -> The report displays track points that have the man down bit set high for a particular device/offenderEnrollee Event Daily Report -> Shows events ordered by Agent of Record showing events for the previous day.Enrollee Event Export -> Shows enrollee, supervison begin and end dates, current assignment dates, current risk level, agent ofEnrollee Event Export Report (Date Range and Vios list)(358) -> Shows enrollee, supervison begin and end dates, current assignment dates, current risk level, agent ofEnrollee Event Notification Report -> List of notifications sent about specified enrollee showing type of event, e-mail address notificationEnrollee Event Report - Daily (401) -> Designed for Jemtec Requirement. Message Gap > 4hours / BluBox Message Gap > 4hours / No GPS > 4hoursEnrollee Event and Location Merge Report -> Chronological List of Event and Location Data.Enrollee Event and Zones Report -> List of events with related zone information, start and stop date of event, schedule and event relatedEnrollee Events with Device Age (367) -> Shows enrollee, current assignment dates, Device Details with Device Age, agent of record, eventEnrollee Events with Enrollink and Sobertrack (443) -> Enrollee Enrollink, Sobertrack Events, ZOnes, Schedules count report. Enrollee Frequently Visited Locations (455) -> Addresses that are frequently visited by the Enrollee. The frequency value is set by Agency. Enrollee Frequently Visited Locations - Excel (454) -> Addresses that are frequently visited by the Enrollee. The frequency value is set by Agency. Enrollee List with Linked Victims (442) -> Excel Report. Sheet1: All enrollees in the Agency with Victim Name if present. Sheet2: Victim detailsEnrollee Location Report - Jemtec (412) -> Enrollee Track Geocodes with HDOP and Sats used.Enrollee Monthly Event Report -> Monthly Event report showing Enrollee's agency, agent, address, phone, zones, schedules, any power loss,Enrollee Planning List -> Shows currently assigned enrollees with their enrollment starting and ending dates, agent, current deviceEnrollee Schedules Historical Data (453) -> Tabbed Excel Report. [Tab1] List of all Historical Schedules for a selected enrollee or Agency. [Tab2]Enrollee Track Address Report (Current & Historical) -> Shows location information for areas an enrollee visits. Use this report for Data Older than 6 months. NOTE:Enrollee Track Address Report (Device Data) -> Shows location information for areas an enrollee visits. Use this report for Data from the Past 6 months. NOTE:Enrollee Track Address with Cell ID -> Shows location information for areas an enrollee visits withb Cell Tower ID and Location ID. Use thisEnrollee Track Address with Speed (59) -> Shows location information for areas an enrollee visits. Use this report for Data from the Past 6 months. NOTE:Enrollee Unassignment Reason -> List of offices showing the reason a particular enrollee was unassigned during the specified time.Enrollee Violation Report -> Shows the enrollee with selected events, event start and stop dates and event duration in hours and minutes.Enrollee Visit Address Export Report (444-Excel) -> Enrollee Visits in the selected date range in Excel Format. Enrollee Zone Address Report (432) -> Shows zone name, zone agency, whether the zone is global and if it is exclusion or inclusion and if anyEnrollee Zone Assignment Report -> List of offices by agent and enrollee showing enrollee's zone information including zone type, how manyEnrollee Zone Count Export -> List of agents showing their active enrollees and the total number of zones, number of inclusion zones,Enrollee Zone Count Report -> List of agents showing their active enrollees and the total number of zones, number of inclusion zones,Enrollee Zone Count Report (CDCR) -> List of agents showing their active enrollees and the total number of zones, number of inclusion zones,Enrollment Duration by Agency -> Shows agency hierarchy listing enrollees who have current assignments for the month selected, their totalEnrollment Report -> List of agents in each office and what enrollee's they supervise showing enrollment date, enrollee name,Events by Agent (Excel 438) -> List of enrollees by office and agent showing the enrollee's event information including event id, eventEvents by Agent (PDF 12) -> List of enrollees by office and agent showing the enrollee's event information including event id, eventInactive Users (No Login - No Reports Run) (458) -> Tabbed Excel Report. [Tab1] List of agents that did not log in in the duration selected. [Tab2] AgentsMaster Tamper Six Month Summary -> Shows the total of events by month for Master Tamper Events.Monitored Event Audit Report (BLUhome) -> Shows monitored events with BLUhome monitored events summarized by hour for the selected date range withMonitored Event Notes -> Shows event ID, date, name, monitoring ID, starte date, note date, note by and note for each event thatMonitored Event Open Report -> Shows Monitored Events that are open. This report is similar in output to the Monitored Event InstantNotification -> List of agents showing the number of alerts sent per agent, total number of alerts per alarm type, andOpen Events By Office -> List of offices showing enrollees with open violations, their agent, start time of event, type of event,Open Events Confirmed -> List of offices showing enrollees with open violations, their agent, start time of event, time of eventOpen Events Unconfirmed -> List of offices showing enrollees with open violations that have not been confirmed by agent, agent name,Open Events by Agency - Excel Version (405) -> Excel report gets ALL open events by agency, enrollee, event start date, Duration.Unconfirmed Event Detail Report (Month) -> Shows agents with their enrollees and enrollees' unconfirmed events and event start and stop date.Unconfirmed Event Summary Report (Month) -> List of agents showing their unconfirmed events, count of how many of that event, count of how many ofUnrecoverable/Returned Devices wt Last Contact & Assignment -> Shows devices with product, device ID, status and last contact for the Unrecoverable status. This reportUser Transaction - Agent Action Export (448) -> Excel Report to list all actions taken by the Agent to review the tracks.Victim Notifications setup by Agents and Victims (417) -> Excel Format report with 2 sheets. [1] Sheet 1 will have Assigned Victims, with AGENT NOTIFICATIONS. [2]Weekly Violation Report -> Excel report showing Agency, Region, Agent, Offender, violation name and count, and total violationsZone Report -> List of offices showing zone name, agent who created the zone, and enrollee assigned to the zone.
Enter criteria that would appear in the name of the report to narrow your list: